Friday, August 9, 2013

Seward--work, fun, and creativity!

Tuesday Matt and I worked with the other volunteers setting up the new food bank.  I was surprised that there was so much to do!  (Blame that on being naive!  Dad, I have even more respect for what you do with the food bank in Ottumwa!)  Organizing displayed food and the food in the storage area was both challenging and rewarding.  Thank heavens, Jackie (the “director”), was there to set some guidelines.  I like to organize, but I had NO clue how to organize food.  (Those who have been to my home know how little food I have, so organizing it was moot. This was a new experience.)  The men (including Matt) moved the heavy freezers and refrigerators.  At the end of the 8-hour day, things were set.  *Heavy sigh* Thursday, we’ll see how it goes (opening day), and tweak as needed.
It was a wonderful day—good exercise (brain and body), and Matt and I met even more good people!!
Jackie—THANK YOU for your guidance!
Shawn—THANK YOU for the opportunity to volunteer!
Rob, Cindy, Cameron, and Noah—THANK YOU for lunch, your acceptance/friendship, and energy (it rubbed off!)!
Basically, thanks to everyone who volunteered that day.  (Sorry, can’t remember everyone’s name.)  Matthew and I felt useful and blessed to be involved with such a generous and vital group of people.

This noon (Wednesday), Matt and I went to the adult story hour at the library.  The librarian read The Best Girlfriend You Never Had by Pam Houston.  It was definitely a memorable story—I loved her “turn of phrase” and description.  There were only a few of us there; luckily, Jim and Judy were two of the group.  They are hosts at one of the campgrounds in the area, and they made some suggestions for how to get a space this weekend.  (There are few camping sites available—it is the VERY popular Salmon Derby this weekend, and everyone and their brother/sister is comin’ in!)  The prizes are numerous and impressive—a new truck, thousands of dollars $$$, etc.  We may end up in Moose Pass (north of Seward) Friday through Monday. **(Jim and Judy found us a place for the weekend--dry camping on the beach. SMILES!)

Just met Rachael (librarian in charge of volunteers).  Matt and I will, starting tomorrow, organize the Children’s Activity Room in the basement.   Hmmm, I am sensing a “theme of need”—“organization”.  So, we have that to look forward to tomorrow.  SMILES!! 
Thursday--a few hours into organizing at the library
Tonight, we met the thespian group and made masks—cool beans!  Matt and I worked on his—didn’t get all of the painting done, but had a fun time being creative together!  Went out to eat afterwards—awesome restaurant—Salmon Bake.  Their motto—“The beer is cheap and the food is lousy.”  Neither were true—smiles!
Matt and his half-completed mask

Salmon Bake Restaurant at closing time--rustically cool!

1 comment:

  1. Food Bank and organization of course it makes sense but WHO KNEW! Today is my last official day of summer break. I'm enjoying it by reading your blog and being lazy. How's the weather? Looks wonderful, thanks for sharing.
