Thursday, June 27, 2013

On the ferry and holdin' my own!

June 25-26
Yeah, you may laugh, but lolling on a ferry is NOT a happy experience for those of us with “weaker” stomachs.  However, Jen, you were right.  I pre-dosed on Bonine (one tablet 24 and one 12 hours ahead of boarding); that did the trick!  I was actually able to both function and enjoy being on the ferry!
We had a short stop in Ketchikan.  Matt and I did a walking tour around the ferry terminal and soaked up the local flavor.  Fascinating the things you hear and the people you meet.  (Matt has never known a stranger!)
While on the ride, we saw a number of humpback whales—backs and flukes only.  Sadly, they didn’t breach.  WHAT the heck am I saying?!  We saw WHALES!!!  We also watched porpoises play next to the boat and eagles soar overhead.  A good trip for marine and air animals! 
Most of the time, we stayed in the solarium watching the water and the mountains.  The mountains were almost magical—some were distant and filled with glaciers (such an amazing color of blue!).  Others, I swear, were right on top of you!  (I could not have taken a photo of the “close” mountains; I would have had to take pictures of SECTIONS of the mountains.  Quite a humbling experience.) 
While waiting for the vehicles and people to get settled on the ferry in Juneau, Matt and I were entertained by the ravens that tried to find “people food”.
It was interesting to be staying in a cabin this time around.  When Pacha and I took the ferry from the Kenai (way back in 1983), we slept in the solarium on the floor…I am fairly certain I do NOT want to sleep on the floor again.  Okay, well maybe…it did look like fun.

Our cabin on the Matanuska Ferry


Solarium on the top level of the ferry

Mountains coming out of Juneau

Our raven buddy

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE reading your blog.... so happy it is up. I feel like I'm traveling with you. Can't wait for the day I can retire and we can travel together (smile)
