Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Okay, I am not sure where we are...

July 2, 2013

I know we are well beyond Tok...I know that we haven't reach Glennallen...Oh well, the joy for today--we saw moose!!!
Matt saw the first three.  (He earned $10.00 for the "spotting".) His comment when we passed them, "Hey, Mom, I think I saw some moose, but they might be fake!"
They weren't fake!  Mom and calves were just hanging out by the side of the road.

My sighting, the second of the day (and winning nothing for the effort), was a large young adult male.  He is center left...yeah, the small dot. I just want you to know, he was huge through the binoculars!

OH!!!!  In case you are interested, I found out--we are near Gulkana, AK.  I am certain you all feel better now!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susan and Matt! What is the plural of moose? You thought is was moose? No, it's a herd! Ha! Absolutely stunning pictures and I bet the air smells so clean too. Take a deep breath for me ;). Keep posting, love reading about and seeing where you are.
    Keep up the good work Eagle Eye Matt!
