Sunday, July 27, 2014

Moose cow and calf at our RV

Yes, it was a thrill!  It was also a bit frightening...This pair grazed next to and around our RV for two days.  Meaning, if we needed to go outside, we had to double and triple-check that we weren't stepping into their space.  Normally, it is safe if you maintain 25 yards between you and the moose.  However, this cow was grouchy and had a bigger "personal bubble".  Heck, who was I to argue?!

They ate all the fireweed between our RV and the Scampi!
Never mind, the flowers are pink...smiles!

This cow is TALL and BIG!  Definitely not one to irritate!
From the "safety" of the RV, they are certainly amazing/beautiful animals.

About 3 months old...
Just got the final news--we will be in Toklat for most of August!!!  This will definitely be a new experience.  We will still be roving, but there are no maintained trails, so we will be "bush-whacking".  Glad we had the bear-spray training!!!! SMILES!  We are moving from taiga to tundra; trading moose for grizzlies.  The elevation here at park headquarters is 2080 feet--lowland.  At Toklat River Rest Stop it is 3035 feet--subalpine.

The temperatures have started to drop.  Many mornings we wake-up to low 40s.  It will be colder at Toklat.  We may just have to use those heavy volunteer coats we were loaned at the beginning of our experience here.  Now, I have to break it to Matt...we won't be able to see Lucor for awhile.

Oh!  We are flying up to Barrow for a couple of days.  I figured since we are here--smiles!

Again, I hope you are all well and happy!!!
Sending a googolplex (thanks Sarah!) of love,
Susan and Matt


  1. Have fun in Barrow and be safe!!! Hope both you will wonderful time with new experiences!

  2. I'm not sure how, but I'm sure the red beard and mustache are a result of Katie's and my influence/exposure on Matthew. Family has a weird way of manifesting itself. So great to see (and hear) the happiness you are both experiencing. Katie and I are both dog sitting this weekend, (different dogs, different city) thinking of you. Looking forward to your next posting.
