Thursday, August 28, 2014

Fairbanks, Alaska

No trip to Alaska would be complete without seeing Elizabeth and Mark!  Before heading to Barrow, Matthew and I wanted to spend time with them.  We went to the Fairbanks State Fair with Elizabeth and had a wonderful time!
Quilt show

Matt getting his henna tattoo
Elizabeth in bubbles!

After the fair, and a delicious meal at their home, the four of us went out for ice cream.  YUM!  Did you know that Alaskans eat about twice the amount of ice cream as a person from any other state?  Nope, neither did I.  Must admit, I do crave that creamy goodness more here…maybe, it is something in the water.  SMILES!


  1. Glad you had great time in State Fair, see your good friends Elizabeth and Mark :)

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