Thursday, September 19, 2013

Denali National Park

Elizabeth, Matt, and I all entered the Denali Road Lottery.  Elizabeth “hit it.”  So, on Monday Sept 16, 2013, the three of us entered the park for the ultimate adventure.  As a lottery winner, Elizabeth was allowed to drive her private vehicle to “the end of the road” in Denali.  (You can normally only ride in a tourist-packed bus beyond mile 14.)
Again, I will let the photos speak for themselves.  It was an extraordinary day!  Mt. Denali was “out” from the time we entered the park (7:00 a.m.) to about 3:00 p.m.  We drove, stopped to watch animals and take pictures, talked, laughed, and enjoyed the 27-40 degree weather for 13 hours.  It went by so quickly.  Denali…nature on steroids!
I only included two animal photos, but we saw so many—
(To the “Twelve Days of Christmas” tune…No, don't sing the information in parentheses.)
8 ptarmigans
7 Dall sheep
6 grizzly bears (2 too close; 2 still-easy-photo-distance; 2 identifiable)
5 large moose (3 bull and 2 cow)
4 berry pickers (tourist picking the bear-coveted blueberries...intelligent?)
3 ground squirrels (seriously cute!)
2 caribou
and a smiling Jr. Ranger  (Matthew earned his Denali Jr. Ranger badge)

Oh, and the sandhill cranes were migrating.  One of the rangers said it was the most he had ever seen in the park! Anytime we saw a formation, we stopped to listen.  They make the most beautiful song.

Denali on the right


Intense colors in the early morning

Our first bear...Do you think it is looking at me?

Mt. Denali
Bull moose "in gold"

Swearing-in of a new Jr. Ranger

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! So beautiful,(sigh). Thanks for posting
    I too have seen the cranes in migration but it was in Nebraska, spring of 1993 I think. We took Ben's confirmation class, about 10 kids. Camped over night temperature was a low of 28, froze our patooties but very awe inspiring. Breakfast that morning was fried potatoes, eggs and sweet rolls and lots of hot chocolate. Good memory
