Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Clicker...

Funny story…Matt was generously gifted with a fish counter (henceforth referred to as “The Clicker”).  The Clicker is best used outside.  Inside a vehicle, the sharp metallic sound it makes when clicked is, well, LOUD.  Matt was very excited about using this new toy; naively, I was happy for him.  His first major clicking opportunity was on the drive from Seward to Anchorage.  “Sure, go ahead and count something,” I said. 
3,669 clicks later, I had a headache.
Matthew had counted not cars, as I erroneously assumed he would, but people IN the vehicles. (Sometimes, he even counted the dogs.)
“CLICK. CLICK” for each car. 
“CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. CLICK….you get my drift”, for each bus.  (Oh, and there are NUMEROUS buses on the road driving to and from Anchorage!) 
Okay, clearly I needed to set better parameters. 
Second clicking opportunity, and a better-prepared mom-- “Okay, this time, only count the cars.” 
4,106 clicks later, I had a migraine.
Matthew had not only counted the cars going by on the opposite side of the road—“CLICK”
but cars behind us—“CLICK. CLICK. CLICK...”
cars on side roads—“CLICK. CLICK. CLICK...”
cars in parking lots—“CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. CLICK…”
cars in used car lots---yeah, you know where this is going.  
Again, I had not been specific enough. 
Driving back to Omaha…much more palatable.  “You may only use your clicker to count cars on the opposite side of the road that are moving!”
514 clicks later, I had an eye twitch, but was pain free! 
Even though I am comfortable with the new rules (and the application of them), I think Matt is still concerned that The Clicker will get “lost”…SMILES (with a slightly twisted upper lip!) He now sleeps with it…
Honestly, he never lets it go...
Maybe, I will change the clicking rule to “only ‘click’ for cars that are pink.”  Hey, don’t feel sorry for him, at least he is still “healthy”!  SMILES.

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