Sunday, August 25, 2013

Alaska State Fair

This state fair was similar to most; the traffic to and from was backed-up.  Unlike most state fairs, the people in the vehicles didn't seem to mind the wait.  The weather was perfect--sunny and in the low 60's.  The company I was with--what can I say?  AWESOME!!!  My cousin, Katie, her friend and neighbor, Julie, and Matt and I cruised the fair ground.  We looked at antiques, quilts, art, jewelry, clothing, livestock, reptiles, crafts, etc.  We ate...sorry, still too recent.  I cannot even THINK of everything I ate--fair food is dangerous!  I didn't get the chance, but it would have been fun to watch one of the oldest fair events--rat racing. (Yes, really!)
Quilt exhibit--thought you would enjoy this Jeanette!  (I have other close-up photos if you are interested.)

It must have been a tough competition--both pig and owner are fast asleep.

The cabbage weighs 63 lbs.  (This is for you, Diane!)

Just couldn't resist taking a photo of this booth!

Matt on his first ride!

Rides, people, mountains, games...

In line for one of the rides...note the girl's "fair hair".  This seems to be quite the business here--"fair hair" and face painting...

We are on our way out. Note the line to get in--smiles.
This will probably be the last entry for a bit.  Matt and I are heading home!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sad you are leaving Alaska - it was FUN to visit through the both of you. I am GLAD you are coming home and I hope to see you for a bit. Then I will be sad when you leave - but glad I can follow along with the blog. Love Ya Bunches
