Thursday, August 1, 2013

Seward...making it home

August 1, 2013

New town, new fun!

The first night here, Matt and I went to see a movie—“Turbo”.  Okay, again, poor to mediocre movie, but an interesting disheveled theater.  I understand that it is quite old—here when the military was active in the area.  I liked the building; the ticket counter was really a glassed-in, curtained booth—cool!  The snack bar was just a “little guy” easily manned by one person.  The seats had obviously been harvested from a number of venues—different colors, sizes, and shapes.  (Sadly, we did not choose the comfortable seats—visually very deceiving!)  All of that aside, the most impactful event during the evening…
Matthew and I very seldom have cash; the movie theater only accepted cash.  I tried the ATM down the way—unsuccessful. It was the last showing for “Turbo”, and Matt really wanted to go.  So, I did what any mother would do; I begged.  As I was talking with the ticket-master and promising to come back with the remaining amount the next day, a local woman came running up and thrust a $20 under the glass.  She smiled and said—just pay it forward.
So Alaska, I add another accolade to the ever-increasing list of things I love about this place and the people who live here—

Matt and I have applied to volunteer at the library and museum.  We are still waiting for a “call back”.  In the meantime, the food bank has asked for support.  Tomorrow, Matt and I will be lifting, loading, and moving the food supplies from the current food bank building to their “new one” closer to downtown.  Now that feels good—we will be doing something constructive for the community that has already given us so much.  SMILES!

Last night, Matt and I attended a drama workshop (in the local community room—smiles).  What a BLAST!!!  Thespians seem similar world-wide; they are all a bit on the crazy side!  Matt had a blast doing the face exercises, impromptu performances, circle activities etc.  Next week—same time, same place—we will be making masks!  (Yes, I promise; there will be pictures…at least of Matthew’s mask!  SMILES!)
Circle exercises

Closing group hug!

The local museum was fascinating.  Many of the exhibits focused on the 1964 earthquake (9.2) and tsunami(s).  After watching the accompanying short video—clips taken the day of and interviews with the people who lived through it—I totally understand the preparedness of Seward and the surrounding smaller communities.  Today, the first day of the month, the warning sirens were tested AND a voice boomed over the system—“This is only a test.  If this were a real emergency…etc. This is only a test.”  (Similar to the warning tests from various radio stations back home.  Only this, to compensate for a possible LACK of a radio station, is broadcast through huge town load speakers.) 
(I wonder if Robby would have been able to hear it?)
Quick tangent—Robby was one of my Deaf students at ISD who believed he was getting some hearing “back”.  He proudly told me that he could hear me laugh and airplanes. Sadly, he was serious...sigh.
These signs are all around town--basically, get to high ground!

Oh, Seward also has some fun town murals--including my and Matthew's favorites:

Mural close to the ocean

Seward--fishing community

Near the Sea Center

The Raven releases the sun, moon, and stars...

Hope this finds you all healthy and happy!

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