Thursday, August 22, 2013

Extraordinary events!

Okay, maybe silly, but I was THRILLED to finally meet two Deaf men!!!  Matt and I had a great time yakking with both of them.  They were up from California working in a fish processing plant in Seward.  The one young man was hopeful; it was possible he’d be promoted to area supervisor.  (Maybe we will see him again when we return.)  I had an appointment, so we weren’t able to yak for long…I really missed the ISD students that day!  (OH, and today, we finally realized that one of the LDS missionaries, who volunteers at the food bank, is fluent in ASL!!!  His younger sister is Deaf.  Again, the opportunity to yak was short, but it was satisfying.)  It amazes me how connected I feel when I am signing with people.  Maybe, because it is such a small community, we more readily value each other.  I don’t know why, but I know I was thrilled and appreciated having the time to yak-a-bit.

As for the other unique event, only those of you who know me well will understand how improbable...I made Quiche Lorraine!!!  Yes, yes, I did!  Okay, Shirley, the cook at the Senior Center, had to tell me each step to take, but I was able to follow her directions and make something pretty dang tasty! (Or at least I think it was.  It had bacon, and so was off-limits for me.)  Looks delicious, doesn’t it?!  Lie, if you don’t agree.  SMILES!
I hope all of you have at least one positive extraordinary event this week!
Smiles and love,

1 comment:

  1. Should have used the fake bacon so YOU could have ate it. By the way it looks delicious!
