Thursday, December 19, 2013

Albuquerque NM to Holbrook, AZ

Fantastic Day!  We drove through the Painted Desert and Petrified Forest.  A gorgeous National Park—see?
Painted desert
Blue Mesa

Crystal Forest
Cindy, in tribute to you, we stayed at the Wigwam Motel in Holbrook, AZ!  (We found it!)  Matthew and I felt spoiled—what a unique and fun experience!  We watched TV and had pizza and beer in a teepee shaped room.  Seriously, what could be better? 

Night and neon
Our room
Matt at the entrance 

There are only 15 "rooms"--cost for 2 beds $65.00
Holbrook is #2 on our list of favorite cities on Route 66.  Fun signs, great cafes, and another WOW-free museum--
There is a stage coach on the roof of the restaurant

Wonderful breakfast and a fun waitress…No, it wasn't especially clean.  However, it has been 8 hours, and neither one of us is sick!
Giant rifle
At the museum in Holbrook, AZ--
All of the items in the museum were donated by local people.

Matthew in the jail.
Matthew as the judge in the court house (part of the museum)

1 comment:

  1. Susan, I'm glad you not sick. Oh, Matt, you're in court, are you trouble, no? I don't think so. Lol. You look good on yellow coat :) It is Butterfield Steakhouse good restaurant? What kind pizza you had? Seem both you had wonderful time!!! Love pics!!
    Matt, call me when you have time, we need talk.
